Installing Apache on Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6)

The Apache web server comes with the OS X is a bit out dated. So I decided to install a new one. After I tried installing it using mac port, it kept giving error.

Finally, I built the Apache from source, and it worked!

Grep Apache from here.

Download the file, where the link should look something like:

Unix Source: httpd-2.2.14.tar.gz

Run the following command in terminal:

tar -zxvf httpd-2.2.14.tar.gz

cd httpd-2.2.14



sudo make install

That’s it! Now, let’s test the webserver.

First, let’s disable the Apache that shipped with the OS X (Not the one you just install!). You can simply do it by going to:

System Preferences -> Sharing -> Web Sharing

Go back to Terminal. Make sure the default web server is not running:

sudo apachectl stop

Now, let’s verify the installations:

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -v

You should see something like this:

Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix)
Server built:   Oct 24 2009 20:53:45

Now, let’s start the web server:

sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

Open your browsers and access to http://localhost/.
You should see something like:

It works!

Have fun!


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IE is “fxxking”, but it is not an excuse to leave bug in the codes

Today, my co-worker found that the web-application he developed worked only in Firefox, and it didn’t work in Internet Explorer(IE). He immediately asked me if we should ignore the IE users or not.

I know that he was working on JQuery(Javascript). It is not surprised that IE does not support the standard JQuery. However, it doesn’t mean that we can simply remove our support to IE users. In fact, IE still have more than 55% of market share today, while Firefox have around 30% only.(See here for more information) It’s too early(and not responsible) to ignore such a large user group.

So, after he complained about how fxxking the IE was for an hour, I tried to find out that the problem. I found that the problem came from his code rather than from IE. He had an extra tag in his code. Firefox was so smart to catch the error and ignore it. That’s why it only worked in Firefox, but not in IE.

So, here are what I’ve learned today:

  • The error catching function introduced in Firefox is so good. But at the same time, it makes some developers lazier by not verifying the quality of their works. They will think it is your problem if you are using IE.
  • IE sucks, but it is not an excuse of leaving the IE users behind.
  • Complaining has nothing to do to improve the problem. Talk is cheap, do it.

Next time before you complain to your manager about how fxxking the IE is, think twice.

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It’s a pain to use’s coupon! was running a sale today: $1.99 a domain name (Coupon Code: GEO199, no other purchase is necessary) for the first year. This is a very good deal so I decide to grab four domains from them. The pain began:

1. I couldn’t use the coupon code for four domains in the same order…

» Fine. I split the order into four. I didn’t have any problem on my first order.

2. I couldn’t use the coupon code on the same user account…

» Fine. I registered a new user account and tried again.

3. I couldn’t use the coupon code on the same browser…

» Fine. I cleaned up the cache and tried again.

4. I couldn’t use the coupon code from the same IP…

» Fine. I tried using a different IP…

5. I couldn’t use the coupon code with the same credit card…

» Fine. I tried using a different credit card…

6. Finally, I got four domains for $7.96. It’s a good deal but it already spent me half an hour.

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Can’t send mail from Fedora Linux … Solved!

I was having problem today to send out an email from my Fedora 11 Linux box. By default, the mail server software, Sendmail, comes with the standard installation and no configuration is required. I didn’t understand why the Sendmail didn’t work.

After a very detail investigation, I finally found out why. Here are the steps I went through to solve the problem.

1. Make sure the Sendmail is running.

netstats -na | grep LISTEN

You should see something is running on port 25.

2. Make sure the stupid SELinux Firewall is disabled.

3. Make sure the Linux Firewall allows port 25.

4. Try to connect to the port 25.

telnet localhost 25

If you have trouble to connect to the port, that means something is not work.

5. Make sure you are not blocking port 25 at the system level:
In /etc/hosts.allow

sendmail: localhost: allow

That should work!

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The Flying Saucer Balloon at Colorado

Why no one thought about taking a picture of the flying balloon using infra-red camera? The Raytheon one should do the work.

Click here to read the ridiculous story.

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