was running a sale today: $1.99 a domain name (Coupon Code: GEO199, no other purchase is necessary) for the first year. This is a very good deal so I decide to grab four domains from them. The pain began:
1. I couldn’t use the coupon code for four domains in the same order…
» Fine. I split the order into four. I didn’t have any problem on my first order.
2. I couldn’t use the coupon code on the same user account…
» Fine. I registered a new user account and tried again.
3. I couldn’t use the coupon code on the same browser…
» Fine. I cleaned up the cache and tried again.
4. I couldn’t use the coupon code from the same IP…
» Fine. I tried using a different IP…
5. I couldn’t use the coupon code with the same credit card…
» Fine. I tried using a different credit card…
6. Finally, I got four domains for $7.96. It’s a good deal but it already spent me half an hour.
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