[Solved]Shared object “libtokyocabinet.so.8” not found

After upgrading the Tokyo Cabinet on my FreeBSD 8 system, I could not start Tokyo Cabinet:

/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libtokyocabinet.so.8" not found, required by "ttserver"

After some investigations, I solved the problem.

1. First, go to the library directory. In my case, it is /usr/local/lib.

cd /usr/local/lib

2. Display all the libtokyocabinet.so:

ls libtokyocabinet.so*

which returns:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    24B Jan  9 20:17 libtokyocabinet.so -> libtokyocabinet.so.9.4.0
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    24B Jan  9 20:17 libtokyocabinet.so.9 -> libtokyocabinet.so.9.4.0
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   778K Jan  9 20:17 libtokyocabinet.so.9.4.0

So the solution to this problem is pretty obvious. The application is looking for libtokyocabinet.so.8 but a newer version of this library is available. A soft-link is good enough to solve this problem:

sudo ln -s libtokyocabinet.so libtokyocabinet.so.8

Here is the expected result:

ls libtokyocabinet.so*
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    24B Jan  9 20:17 libtokyocabinet.so -> libtokyocabinet.so.9.4.0
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    18B Jan  9 20:26 libtokyocabinet.so.8 -> libtokyocabinet.so
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    24B Jan  9 20:17 libtokyocabinet.so.9 -> libtokyocabinet.so.9.4.0
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   778K Jan  9 20:17 libtokyocabinet.so.9.4.0

Now I run the Tokyo Cabinet again, and the problem is gone!

2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       SYSTEM  --------- logging started [13244] --------
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       SYSTEM  server configuration: host=(any) port=1978
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       SYSTEM  opening the database: *
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       SYSTEM  service started: 13244
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    timer thread 1 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 1 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 2 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 3 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 4 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 5 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 6 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 7 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       INFO    worker thread 8 started
2010-01-09T20:26:12-06:00       SYSTEM  listening started

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