If you are looking for the classic del.icio.us to work on Firefox 3, then you are on the right page.
Why del.icio.us. classic add-on doesn’t work in Firefox 3?
The add-on was developed for Firefox 2, which is not compatible with Firefox 3. Since this add-on is no longer maintained by the original author, this add-on becomes an orphan. In fact, del.icio.us encourages users to upgrade to the modern version. Some users like me prefer to stick with the classic version.
Why del.icio.us classic, not modern?
Well, there are couple reasons, privacy and security. The classic version only uploads your public bookmark (The one you want to share), however the modern version will upload both your local and public bookmarks. Since I care about my privacy and security, I don’t want to see my personal information floating around the web at all.
Running del.icio.us Classic on Firefox 3
If you want to run the classic version on Firefox 3, you will need to download the add-on from the following link:
…And if you want to use any Firefox Add-on on Firefox 3.5+ but it is not available, feel free to let me know! Don’t forget to include the link. Thanks!
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Many thanks. I prefer this version. Good job!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you x100! I too prefer the classic buttons and find the new-ish add-on makes my browser lag as well as the issues you mentioned. Thanks again!
Not working with FF 3.6.12. No odd behavior, no errors, just acting as if it was never installed.
– Very Cool!
– Fighting with this issue since Firefox massed-up everything with a 36.13 & 4 version!!
– Have to do the same for my back-up Notebook!
No sure if delicious will be alive or not when Firefox 4 is released….