Here is the traffic summary of this blog in July. The numbers give a pretty interesting picture:
Total number of visits:
Apache – 2048
This number means there are 2048 pages have been shown to the visitors.
Google Analytics – 1464 (72% of 2048)
This number means out of 2048 actual visits, Google Analytics can only detect 72% of them, which means some visitors has use tools to block the detection from Google Analytics.
Google Adsense Impression – 1526 (74.5% of 2048)
This number means out of 2048 actual page loads, only 1526 ads have been displayed. Note that multiple ads can be detected in one single page.
Number of pages load with Ad – 508 (25% of 2048)
This number means that out of 2048 pages, only 25% of them will contain the ads. In the other words, 75% of the ads were blocked.
Google Adsense Click – 24 (1.57% of 1526)
This number after showing 1526 ads, 24 of them were clicked by the visitors.
– The ads that are shown here are not interesting at all. I will blame this to Google because they always display content-irrelevant ads.
(By the way, Google is showing an ad related to blood pressure now. Can you see it?)
– There is a huge market for crashing the ad-blocking tools. 🙂
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